Healing The Wound Of Unworthiness

With Myrthe Glasbergen MSc.

Psychologist & Founder Beyond Psychology

Myrthe Glasbergen MSc., Psychologist, Creator & Founder Beyond Psychology

October 17, 2024 · 7:00 – 8:30 · pm CEST / UTC +2

Healing The Wound Of Unworthiness

An 1,5hr online workshop and Q&A session with Myrthe Glasbergen.

€15,- / FREE for members

In this 1,5 hour online workshop & live Q&A session with psychologist, creator and founder of Beyond Psychology Myrthe Glasbergen MSc., we will explore the wound of unworthiness and the impact this wound has on your life.

Myrthe will help you understand how this wound is created, how you can recognize it in your daily life, and she will walk you through the steps you can take to heal and overcome this wound.

At the end of the session there is space for your questions!

What can I expect?

During the session Myrthe will touch upon the following themes:

1. The societal structures and cultural conditioning that led to the creation of a collective wound of unworthiness;

2. How fear, mind-control and shame contribute to the feeling of not being worthy and not being accepted for you who you truly are as a little child;

3. How (intergenerational) trauma, emotional immaturity, and emotional neglect make you create a deficiency story and internalize feelings of unworthiness;

4. The coping (or survival mechanisms) and attachment styles you create as a little child to stay emotionally safe and attached to your surroundings, and how they aren’t serving you anymore in the present moment;

5. Your shame-based identity versus who you truly are;

6. The steps you can take to heal and overcome this wound (PLUS: what’s truly behind this wound and the number 1 remedy).

Join us!

Come and join us on a deep journey inwards, connect with the wounded parts inside of you, give them what they need, and reclaim and restore your power so that you will find the courage to free your authentic self, and transform yourself and your life!

About Myrthe Glasbergen

Myrthe Glasbergen MSc., Psychologist, Creator & Founder Beyond Psychology

“The only way onwards, is inwards.”

Myrthe Glasbergen MSc. is an Occupational Health Psychologist, coach, (intuitive) singer and creator who is fascinated about the awakening and healing of humanity.

She has made it her mission to help people to become aware of the dysfunctional and demanding society and family/culture systems they grew up in, and to help them heal and break free from it.

All with the sole purpose of helping people to become free, authentic, and empowered human beings who use their talents and gifts to make the world a better place.

To help people get there she has created her own method – away from traditional talk-therapy, coaching and the (spiritual) self-help industry – for self-discovery, (emotional) healing, transformation and empowerment. 

She shares her method and tools through 1-on-1 holistic psychological guidance, online via social media, in her webshop, and on her online platform & community.