We’ve got the answer!

With our unique and exclusive tools we offer you a new way to emotional freedom, healing & personal growth.  

Experience the power of our tools that served already over 1000+ people from 20+ different nationalities! 

Beyond Psychology Membership - Self-discovery, healing, transformation, empowerment - somatic healing - emotional healing - relational trauma - survival mode - matrix - talk therapy - relationship therapy

A New Approach

Away from traditional (talk) therapy and coaching Beyond Psychology has created new tools for self-discovery, healing, transformation and growth. Our tools follow a holistic approach and combine somatic and emotional healing practices with psychological theory & guidance. 

Curious to how we can help you? Download our free starter pack & start your healing journey!

You’re Not Broken, The System Is

You are not struggling in life because something is wrong with you, but because of the dysfunctional, oppressive and emotionally immature society you grew up in. This society has been conditioning you to suppress your truth and disconnect from your emotions and authentic self from a very young age. A true recipe for emotional and relational trauma, and the number 1 reason you are feeling lost, depressed, alone, anxious or burnt-out.

What Do You Need Help With?

Choose your theme, pick your tool, and start your healing journey inwards! 








Become a member and gain access to all our exclusive tools & content for €49,95 per year only! 

Heal from your past, Free your authentic self & Transform yourself and your life!

Suppressed Emotions Lie At The Root Of Your Suffering

As a child, you are mostly not being taught how to acknowledge, understand, express and regulate your emotions properly and in a healthy way. In fact, you are (mostly unconsciously) shamed, rejected, ignored or even punished for expressing them. This results in emotional dysregulation and suppression: the root cause of your suffering. Learning how to become aware of suppressed emotions, and understand, feel, express and regulate them, can help you to gain control over your life again, and become a healthy, free and empowered human being.

Click the button below to download our free workbook that helps you to walk the 10 steps of emotion regulation.

Meet Our Founder

“The only way onwards, is inwards.”

Myrthe Glasbergen, MSc. is an occupational health psychologist and creator who is fascinated about the awakening & healing of humanity.

During her work as a psychologist she found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychology, coaching and the (spiritual) self-help industry. They look at people who struggle in life as if there is something wrong with them individually, while the true reason that people suffer lies in the dysfunction of our society as a whole.

It is because of this that she went on a search to discover what it is that people truly need to overcome their suffering, heal themselves and create lasting changes in their lives.

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& Start Your Journey of Awakening, Healing, Transformation & Empowerment!

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