HeArt Reflection
A personalized healing tool & piece of art in one
A tool that transcends classic talk therapy and coaching, that speaks directly to the body and that gets to the root of mental and emotional struggles.
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To order your HeArt Reflection fill in the application form below. You will receive a confirmation through email (this can take up to 1 day), and you will receive your gift in +/- 1 week.
A HeArt Reflection is a 10-15 minute personalized healing tool – intuitively created by Myrthe – with poetry, spoken word, healing sounds, music & song. It is a guide on your journey inwards and it is completely attuned to you, your process and a question you submit.
It helps with self-awareness, and generates self-compassion, warmth, trust, safety, peace and harmony, from which mental, emotional and physical suffering and/or negative childhood experiences, large or small, conscious or not, can be addressed, acknowledged, felt and healed properly.
A HeArt Reflection will bring you self-love, trust, clarity, healing, acceptance, inspiration, motivation and inner peace. It will help you to release stuck and heavy emotions, overcome fears that are holding you back, and to discover who you truly are.
A HeArt Reflection can be used as often as needed. It is therefore very efficient and it will save you years of psychological and/or emotional struggle and countless expensive talk therapy or coaching sessions.
Application form
Meet our founder

“A new approach towards psychology, healing, personal growth and helping people overcome life’s adversities is needed desperately.”
Myrthe Glasbergen is an occupational health psychologist (MSc), singer, writer and creator. After she graduated, she has worked as an assessment psychologist, singing teacher, musician and successful life and job coach for young professionals for several years.
It was during her work as a life and job coach that she found herself limited by traditional tools of psychology, healing and personal growth because of their non-holistic approach and sole focus on cognition, mindset and words.
They also put too much emphasis on helping people to get back on track in society as soon as possible, while our demanding and dysfunctional society is one of the main reasons why people are struggling in the first place.
Myrthe Glasbergen quickly discovered that the real reason why people are suffering and continuously searching in life, isn’t cognitive at all, but emotional and physical, and related to negative childhood experiences or even (childhood) trauma, that are still present in the body but that people are not aware of.
“My HeArt Reflection touched me deeply, and I knew pretty quickly that right now, in this moment in time, with all the things I’m going through, I needed these words.
It was so true that it was a bit confronting and because of that it touched deeply and it was healing at the same time.
It was just so right and now that I’m going through tough times your words gave me hope and a gentle nudge in the direction I need to go.
Thank you dear Myrthe, what an unbelievable talent you have to touch in this way and also to create little beacons of light.”
“I thought the HeArt Reflection was so special and beautiful. She is worth 10000 reviews and 11 stars.
The lyrics and sounds are on point. The journey I make every time I listen to it is beautiful. Sometimes it’s sad, sometimes euphoric, sometimes all shades in between.
1 thing they have in common is that they are touched in my heart and flow from there.
Thanks a lot ✨.”
“Dear Myrthe,
I want to thank you for the HeArt Reflection that you have written for me. It touches me deeply. There’s so much wisdom to be found in it.
I would not say it was uplifting, but it was ‘true’, purposeful, loving, calming.
I think it’s very special that you can feel the vulnerability of my heart through a few words that I have shared with you.
I am deeply grateful. The healing power of art… It’s worth more than its weight in gold. And more important than countless conversations with caregivers can be sometimes.
I applaud you sensitive and talented artist <3.
My heart is grateful.”
“Wow, wow, wow Myrthe!
This HeArt Reflection has made me cry, laugh, hop, think, break free, chuckle, trust, heal and so much more!
So beautiful and powerfully striking. Thank you; I know for sure that I’ll be coming back to this often.
It is very special to me and very valuable.
Thank you!”
“Oh Myrthe, what a magical and special moment it was to listen to my HeArt Reflection… I am still processing, digesting and integrating it deep in my being.
YOUR HeArt Reflection for ME is the most beautiful gift that I have received in ages ♥️.
I had no idea what to expect; my intention when ordering was to receive what I needed most at that moment.
It brought up a lot. So many emotions and old stories. Memories that had been forgotten. And it also brought me so much reassurance.
It was exactly what I needed.
The most beautiful gift.
From the bottom of my being thank you.”
“Dear Myrthe,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the HeArt Reflection.
It truly is spot on and touches me very deeply, but it also motivated me to just begin.
I think it’s really special what you make.”
“Thank you for my beautiful HeArt Reflection. It is so striking that I almost can’t believe it. 33 years of living captured in a song of 15 minutes, chapeau ❤️.
Your voice and music bring me to the depths of my soul, where I find my sorrow and my strength. I feel really carried <3.
I am very grateful for what you bring into this world.”
“Thank you, thank you… striking on all levels.
Your voice, your music, the words, the silent moments.
Tears, I am in love with life :).
What a gift, what a talent, thank you so much.
My endless thanks, this is more valuable than you may realize :).”
“Dear Myrthe, I am so deeply moved by your beautiful reflection.
‘With a smile and a tear’, were the last words I heard, with my face full of tears and a big smile.
So very touching and soothing and striking.
I have listened to it twice now, lying in the sunlight and I will take it with me tonight when I go to sleep.
Thank you for all your beauty and that you bring this into the world <3.”
“I would highly recommend ordering a HeArt Reflection. I have known Myrthe for a while now and this is completely different than all her former creations.
I have listened to it a couple of times now and I hear and discover new things every time.
I immediately ordered one for my daughter too, she responded to it very well. We listen to our HeArt Reflections every week now and we are experiencing both more peace, relaxation and clarity.”
“What you have made for me is so beautiful.
I have listened to it twice now. Your music and voice bring me in a different yet more peaceful state of Being totally.
You empathized so well and have given the exact right words to it. It instantly brings me to my feelings, something I normally find very hard… tears!
It is just beautiful. I will listen to it often.
Thank you.”
“Wow Myrthe, I’m at a loss for words. You give answers to all the life questions I have and will get. You have no idea. I am speechless and totally moved.
Thank you beautiful human.
This is more than a talent.
A gift.
You are a gift in the lives of many: including mine.
Thank you for you.
And still everything I say doesn’t cover it.”
“Oh Myrthe, how beautiful what you have made for me. The text, the lyrics, but also your singing voice and the music. It resonates tremendously and it feels so right.
I feel very seen by my HeArt Reflection. I will definitely listen to it often.
Thank you!”
“Beautiful dear Myrthe, thank you. I have directly listened to the HeArt Reflection twice, it was very beautiful and soft. By directly listening to it two times the HeArt Reflection became more loving and powerful.
The first time I particularly listened to the words, the content, the message and critically to transitions. The second time I felt the optimal meditative status of the artwork.
The soothing effect really hit me by then. I was floating on the soft, loving music, singing, poetry and words. The transition of text to poetry and singing felt all aligned then.
The stillness and the mantras have a calming effect and bring you into a state of peace from which reception on a meditative level and surrender is possible, away from alertness on the way to BEING.
Very well done. I would recommend it. And, helpful as you are, I would add an advice that you realize the best return possible by listening to it twice immediately.
Anyway, I’m going to share your HeArt Reflection. A beautiful, innovative path to healing, away from all kinds of formats.
Thanks! One Love.”
“Thank you for this beautiful HeArt Reflection. I have already listened to it a couple of times. It is hard for me to describe in words what I experienced, maybe that’s not so strange because it is a ‘heart’ reflection!
Anyway, I thought it was super nice and beautiful to listen to. It made me feel calm and emotionally clear. It definitely felt as a beautiful and clear ‘inner’ answer to my question.
Thank you so much! I will definitely order one more with another question.”
“Dear Myrthe… I want to say so much but there are no words… I just listened in my bed. Full of tears and of recognition. I want to hold you, hug you and thank you from the bottom of my heart and being for this soothing, loving and magical HeArt Reflection.?”