“People are, inexplicably, often better than any other type of cognitive treatment, medication or drug, best served by non-cognitive tools that provide self-compassion, warmth, trust, safety, and that help to form a deep relationship with the body. Tools such as healing art (music, singing, dancing or theatre) are good ways to provide this.“
What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review.
Daisy Fancourt & Saoirse Finn.
“This report found evidence from a wide variety of disciplinary approaches and methodologies for the potential value of the arts in contributing to core determinants of health; playing a critical role in health promotion; helping to prevent the onset of mental illness and age-related physical decline; supporting the treatment or management of mental illness, noncommunicable diseases and neurological disorders; and assisting in acute and end-of-life care. Although some countries have made progress in developing policies that make use of the arts to support health and well-being, many have not yet addressed the opportunities that exist for using the arts to support health, and for others policy activities have been time limited.”
The body keeps the score – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, 2014
The myth of normal – Dr. Gabor Maté, 2022
How to do the work – Dr. Nicole LePera, 2021
Singing in the brain – Prof. E.J. A. Scherder, 2017