Beyond Psychology: The Ultimate Platform & Community For Awakening, Healing, Transformation & Empowerment

Join our growing community for just €11.99/month or €99/year and unlock access to our holistic, trauma-informed tools that served already 1000+ people from 26+ nationalities.

All designed to help you heal from your past, free your authentic self & transform yourself and your life!  

About Beyond Psychology

Beyond Psychology is a global movement, community & online platform dedicated to empowering people to break free from oppressive, dysfunctional societal systems and create new and better, equitable systems for all. Our mission is to help heal and empower as many people as possible, because healed people heal the world, and healing is what our world so desperately needs. 

How We Can Help

A New Approach

Away from traditional (talk) therapy and coaching Beyond Psychology has created a unique and exclusive method that takes systemic issues such as oppression, racism, capitalism, gender bias, emotional immaturity and relational trauma into account, and aims to heal the root cause. Our tools follow a holistic trauma-informed approach and combine somatic and emotional healing practices with psychological theory & guidance.

Become A Member

Become a member and join the movement! Our online platform & community focuses on (collective) healing by offering you the tools you need to overcome past traumas, break free from societal conditioning, stand in your power & create lasting cultural changes.

Personal 1-on-1 Guidance

Need help on your journey of healing & transformation? We offer 1-on-1 guidance that transcends classic talk therapy, takes systemic issues into account, speaks directly to the emotions and trauma stored in the body, and gets to the root of suffering. Book a free intake now.


Curious to our tools but don’t want to become a member yet? In our webshop you can find all of our meditations, visualizations, somatic & emotional inquiry exercises, and healing music all sorted by theme. Just pick your theme, choose your tool and start your healing journey!

Upcoming Events

Workshop: Healing The Wound Of Unworthiness

October 17, 2024

Healing The Wound Of Unworthiness Toolkit - Self-love Toolkit - Healing Guilt Somatic Exercise

Heal the wound of unworthiness with Myrthe Glasbergen MSc., Psychologist & Founder @ Beyond Psychology. 

€15 (Free for members)

Latest Blogs

Healing the Father Wound: 6 Steps Towards Self-acceptance & Growth

In this blog, we're diving into the father wound—a deep, often overlooked issue that can shape your life in significant ways. We'll explore what the father wound is, how it comes about, and the signs that might indicate you've experienced it. You'll also learn about...

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Conflict

In this blog, I want to explore the fear of conflict, especially the kind that arises when you’re about to express a need, set a boundary, or share your opinion, point of view, or dream. It's that fear you feel when someone gets angry with you, disagrees, or says...

Breaking Free From People Pleasing

People pleasing is a common behavior that many of us struggle with, often without even realizing it. This tendency to prioritize others' needs and feelings over our own can be deeply ingrained, stemming from childhood trauma, emotional neglect and societal pressures....

The Wound Of Unworthiness: Why You Don’t Love Yourself

Living in a society like ours forces people to live in survival mode. This environment compels individuals to suppress their true selves to fit in and survive. The need to work hard every day to make ends meet adds to the pressure. For centuries, we've been caught in...

Decentering Men: Breaking Free From Gender Norms

In this blog I will explain what it means to decenter men, how you can use this concept for your benefit, and how it can benefit women and men to break free from oppressive societal and cultural conditioning and systems, and create new and better systems for all. This...

The Guilt of Growing

Guilt is a complex emotion that often arises when we embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation. As we shed the roles and responsibilities we've carried for years, we may find ourselves grappling with a sense of guilt – a feeling that we're betraying...

Spiritual Awakening: The Start Of Something New

We are living in a demanding and dysfunctional society that forces us to suppress our authentic selves from a young age, trapping us in a cycle of survival and conformity. This oppressive system disconnects us from our true nature, leaving us feeling lost, powerless,...

Healing the Wound of Unworthiness

In a world that often demands conformity and suppression of our true selves, the wound of unworthiness can be a deep and pervasive challenge. This collective wound, rooted in the patriarchal, oppressive, and emotionally immature systems we've inherited, can leave us...

Self-Acceptance: The Key to Healing & Transformation

If you have a desire for true healing, change and transformation in your life, and to meet your true self, then there is one thing that you should do. The only thing in my honest opinion that's really necessary to get you started with your journey of healing and...

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking Up

Your fear of speaking up, setting boundaries, and expressing your truth is not just a surface-level issue - it's a deep-rooted collective (and intergenerational) trauma that holds you back from achieving your dreams and living your most authentic life.  When you learn...

Latest Videos

Heal The Father Wound: 6 steps to heal & overcome the father wound. Transform yourself & your life!
FEAR OF CONFLICT: This is why you AVOID confrontation & how you can overcome it!
Do you still need external validation? This Is WHY You Seek It & HOW To STOP Craving It!
FEAR OF REJECTION & SHAME: How to heal it, overcome it, break free from it & live an authentic life!

Meet Our Founder

“The only way onwards, is inwards.”

Myrthe Glasbergen, MSc. is an occupational health psychologist, singer and creator who is fascinated about the awakening & healing of humanity.

During her work as a psychologist she found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychology, coaching and the (spiritual) self-help industry. They look at people who struggle in life as if there is something wrong with them individually, while the true reason that people suffer lies in the dysfunction of our society as a whole.

It is because of this that she went on a search to discover what it is that people truly need to overcome their suffering, heal themselves and create lasting changes in their lives.