The most important thing of your entire journey of healing from your past, mastering your emotions and transforming yourself and your life, is that once you have discovered who you are and healed yourself, you have to start living it!

It’s the moment where you fully and wholeheartedly decide that you are here to LIVE and BE your beautiful, wild, messy, authentic and inspiring self. It’s the most beautiful stage of personal growth and transformation there is, because you finally will be able to experience how it feels like to be you, everywhere you are.

The Post-Healing Stage

We always call this stage poetically: the post-healing and post-transformation stage (or the embodiment/earth stage). The stage where you take inspired action to change your life for the better and show the world your true face. It is the stage where you will start using your hands, your body, your intelligence, your wisdom, your gifts, your talents… to materialize the visions that you hold inside yourself.

The stage where you decide that you will never ever hide yourself again because you feel you just cannot NOT speak your truth anymore and live up to it. Most importantly because it just hurts internally when you do hold back. It can be scary, but it’s the most beautiful, exciting and expanding stage once you get the hang of it and pursue your dreams and goals, no matter what happens.

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From Self-sabotage to Self-devotion

It can be a tricky stage at times, especially in the beginning, because old patterns, temptations and behavior will knock on your door, trying to hold you back (and keeping you safe). There will be times where you think you are not ready yet, but you actually are. This is often more the case than you not really being ready. We even strongly believe that in some way we will never be ready, so why not start ‘before we’re ready?’

What’s important in this stage is that you decide to start living a simple, yet devoted life to… you! Making the hard decisions, healthy choices, having the hard conversations. Setting boundaries, choosing yourself and saying no or yes when you feel like it.

Taking inspired action, acknowledging when you’re wrong, and recognizing and transforming your self-sabotaging behaviors.

Healed People Heal The World

Sounds like a challenge, right? But… it’s so worth it, we promise you. And you know, we can’t stress out enough that the sooner this stage begins for you, the sooner your life will change. And… we don’t want to rush or push you, but precious time’s ticking you know. For you individually, but especially for us collectively.

Our world so desperately needs more free, authentic and empowered human beings who make the world a better place by just being themselves and spreading peace and love through their gifts and talents.

What are you waiting for? It’s time beautiful one. Time so start treating yourself like the precious gift and creative masterpiece that you are. It’s time to take inspired action and change your life for the better.

We promise you, once you decide to go for it, start your journey inwards, commit yourself to yourself and start with sharing your authentic self, gifts and talents with the world…

… your life will never be the same.


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This Is How We Can Help You

Away from traditional (talk) therapy and coaching we have created new tools for self-discovery, healing, transformation and growth. Our tools follow a holistic approach where we combine somatic and emotional healing practices with psychological theory & guidance.

If you resonated with the insights shared in this blog post and are seeking guidance on your healing journey, here are 3 ways we can help you:

1. Shop In Our Webshop

In our webshop you can find all our tools sorted by theme, visit our shop here.

2. Become A Member

Become a member of our online platform & community for Self-discovery, Healing, Transformation & Empowerment: Heart Journey.

Gain instant access to all our Meditations, Somatic Exercises, Parts Work Exercises, Videos, Visualizations and much more for just €11,99 per month or €99 per year! 

Start your 5 day free trial here.

3. 1-on-1 Guidance

Feel in need of personal guidance? We offer 1-on-1 guidance that transcends classic talk therapy & coaching, speaks directly to the emotions and trauma stored and suppressed in the body, and gets to the root of mental, emotional & physical suffering. Just click here to book a free intake.

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