Depression: A New Perspective

Depression: A New Perspective

If you are someone who sometimes or often feels depressive or has a depression, then this blog is for you. In this blog, we will explore a different perspective on depression and how it can be seen as a coping mechanism rather than a disorder or disease. By...
The Wound Of Unworthiness: Why You Don’t Love Yourself

The Wound Of Unworthiness: Why You Don’t Love Yourself

Living in our current society often pushes individuals into a survival mode, where they feel the need to suppress their true selves in order to fit in and adapt. This constant pressure to survive and meet societal expectations can lead to a lack of emotional...
Emotional Neglect & Relational Trauma: The Silent Epidemic

Emotional Neglect & Relational Trauma: The Silent Epidemic

Our demanding and emotionally immature society sets the stage for us to experience emotional neglect & relational trauma from a young age. Various tactics, such as fear-based mind control, shaming, blaming, punishing, rejecting, ridiculing, or ostracizing...